Saturday, 12 June 2021 17:46
Cakal clinches Monbat Rally Sliven win
GP GARAGE MY TEAM crew takes its first overall victory relegating the former national rally champions of Bulgaria Georgi Vasilev and Stefan Dobrev
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Saturday, 12 June 2021 14:03
Cakal is three stages away from the win
Lot of changes in the overall standings because of the crash of Ugur Soylu and the heavy rain near Sliven.
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Saturday, 12 June 2021 13:00
Statement about the health condition of number 2 crew
Ugur Soylu suffered multiple injuries. Aras Dincer is unharmed
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Saturday, 12 June 2021 11:22
Leader Soylu retires after a heavy crash
Stage 5 Trapoklovo is stopped after a heavy crash of crew number 2 Ugur Soylu/Aras Dincer. Both were transported to the local hospital for medical checks.
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Friday, 11 June 2021 20:34
Soylu grabs the lead after leg one
Two times winner Miroslav Angelov retired with a broken gearbox. Mustafa Cakal is second 24.4 seconds back, Georgi Vasilev into top 3.
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Friday, 11 June 2021 18:22
The opening stage of Monbat Rally Sliven was stopped after a crash
Daniel Popov and Angel Bashkehayov escaped unharmed. Ugur Soylu and Aras Dincer won the opening Ablanovo.
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Friday, 11 June 2021 13:28
Wet stages for the first leg of Monbat Rally Sliven
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Thursday, 10 June 2021 21:42
Monbat Rally Sliven started with an opening ceremony
The 40th edition of Monbat Rally Sliven started tonight with an opening ceremony in the centre of the Bulgarian city. 32 crews from five different countries will take part in the third round of the FIA Balkan Rally Trophy.
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Sunday, 07 March 2021 17:36
Министерството на младежта и спорта ще подкрепи провеждането на юбилейното рали "Сливен"
Министерството на младежта и спорта ще подкрепи провеждането на юбилейното 40-то издание на рали "Сливен". Това стана ясно след среща между Министъра на младежта и спорта г-н Красен Кралев, г-н Живко Минчев - Директор на рали "Сливен" и г-н Атанас Чанев - мениждър на състезанието. На срещата присъства и г-жа Десислава Танева - Министър на земеделието, храните и горите.
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